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Honest and Knowledgeable Dental Solutions at Reasonable Prices

Screw-Retained Hybrid Denture with Milled Titanium Bar and Premium Teeth.

We Build Partnerships Beginning with a Strong Foundation.

Our Laboratory Outsource Services

Important Notification from Midmark


Global Dental Solutions

A Full-Service Dental Lab Serving Clinicians Nationwide

We are Global Dental Solutions, LLC, a full-service dental lab committed to dental restorations with integrity, quality, and value. We provide a complete range of restorations from a single unit to full arch fixed and removables, to implants, surgical guides, and more. As a highly-qualified dental lab, our goal is to put our clients first. Get in touch with us today to learn more. Your challenge is our business.


The poster of Top 100 Products 2018 by Dentistry Today

Dentistry Today

Our products have been selected as Dentistry Today’s Top 100 Products every year from 2007 through 2018.


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Begin sending cases

We’re pleased that you’ve decided to allow us to earn your business. Click below for everything you need to get started. You’ll find the Doctor Preference Profile so we can learn exactly how you want us to fabricate your cases, our scheduling calendar, and other tools to start our partnership.

Global Dental Solutions

8215 Roswell Rd, Building 500, Atlanta, GA 30350, USA

Contact Number:
(866) 905-1111

Email Address:

Our Location

  • If you are a patient seeking dental care or advice, we are unable to assist you. We service Dentists and dental laboratories and can not treat patients directly.
  • Full Name :
  • Office Address :
  • If you'd like for us to send you our starter kit/lab materials: (not required)

Call us at (866) 905-1111
for service from coast to coast.